Opening Hours : 24hrs
Clinic Hours: Monday through Friday (8am to 3pm) and Saturday (9am to 1pm)
Contact : +234-(0)-803-304-3598, +234-(0)-803-613-1641, +234-(0)-803-702-1630
Email: deemedicalcenter@yahoo.com
Medical Centre
Out-Patient Clinic (OPC)
Our team in the general out patient department are competent to execute all the general practices of medicine.
We have 5 senior Medical Officers who are highly trained and experienced to sort out patients of different medical problems for various specialist to further review and evaluate.
They have their private consulting rooms and maintain a sense of Doctor-Patient confidentiality. They are also being supported by Consultant General Practitioners and a team of specialist Consultants.

DMC is competent of dealing with;
#. General health issues
#. Complete health screening
#. Family medicine
#. Emergencies
#. Vaccinations/ immunization
#. Diabetic screening and monitoring
#. Blood pressure monitoring &Treatment
#. Major/Minor surgeries
#. Evaluating BMI.