Opening Hours : 24hrs
Clinic Hours: Monday through Friday (8am to 3pm) and Saturday (9am to 1pm)
Contact : +234-(0)-803-304-3598, +234-(0)-803-613-1641, +234-(0)-803-702-1630
Medical Centre
1). Dialysis Services
(Building, Installation, Training, Maintenance and supply of consumables).
2). Out-Patient Clinic Services ( General Medicine ).
3). Antenatal Care.
4). Eye Clinic/Opthalmology.
5). Admission.
6). General Surgery ( major/minor surgeries )
7). Pharmaceutical Services ( in-patient/ out-patient ).
8). Laboratory Services ( prompt and efficient ).
9). Deionized Water Production.
10). Diagnostic Imaging.
(a). Digital X-ray and Printing.
(b). 2D &4D ultra-sound Scan.
(c). Doppler ultra-sound Scan.
11). Echocardiograph.
12). ECG/ Stress ECG.
13). Asian Medication
(acupuncture, detox, massagers, etc).
14). Cardiology.
15). Nephrology.
16). Urology.
17). Obstetrics & Gynecology.
18). Dermatology.
19). Pediatrics.
20). Physiotherapy.
21). Orthopedics.
22). Immunization.
23). Health Assessment and Screening.
24). Nutrition and Dietetics.
25). Nursing Care.
26). Endoscopy/Colonoscopy.